Brick Court Chambers

News & Events

‘One of the super-sets’, Brick Court Chambers is ‘an all-round strong’ set with ‘a large selection of high-quality competition law specialists’, ‘top commercial counsel’, ‘an excellent chambers for banking litigation’, and a ‘go-to’ set for public administrative law.
The Legal 500 2020
The clerks’ room ‘sets the benchmark’ for other sets with its ‘friendly, knowledgeable, and hardworking’ clerks.
The Legal 500 2020
"An outstanding commercial set with a track record of excellence across its core areas of work."
Chambers & Partners 2018
"A set that is singled out for its "first-rate" clerking and "client service-oriented, commercial approach."

Hilary Heilbron QC to speak at the Hay Festival of Literature and the Arts


Hilary Heilbron QC is to speak at the Hay Festival of Literature and the Arts next week on Saturday, 24 May about her biography of her Mother:”Rose Heilbron: Legal Pioneer of the 20th Century. Inspiring Advocate who became England’s First Woman Judge.”