Brick Court Chambers

Hilary Heilbron KC

Hilary Heilbron KC

YEAR OF CALL: 1971    YEAR OF SILK: 1987

"Highly rated, very impressive and hugely independent-minded." "Very well prepared and highly responsive...a top choice for difficult commercial arbitrations."
Chambers & Partners
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Hilary Heilbron KC now focuses on international arbitration with over 125 appointments, sitting as an international arbitrator all over the world to which role she brings her wealth of experience as counsel in major commercial disputes and many foreign laws including appearances in the Supreme Court and the former House of Lords. She is ranked in Band I for arbitrators at the UK bar by Chambers & Partners.

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  • Arbitration M

    Hilary Heilbron’s primary focus is now sitting as an international arbitrator in a variety of jurisdictions.

    She has accepted in excess of 125 appointments as party nominated arbitrator, institution appointed and sole arbitrator as well as an emergency arbitrator. She has also chaired many tribunals of leading international arbitrators. Her appointments have been under ICC, LCIA, SCC, SIAC, HKIAC and ICDR as well as ad hoc appointments. Many of these relate to substantial claims including in excess of US$1 billion. She also has experience of arbitrations in many foreign laws: both civil and common law and many industrial sectors in a variety of types of claim including, but not limited to, energy, solar power, telecommunications and media, joint ventures and share sale agreements. 

    She has recently been a member of several international arbitration task forces, namely the ICCA-ASIL Task Force on Damages; the ICCA/IBA Joint Task Force on Data Protection in International Arbitration Proceedings; and remains a member of the ICDR Working Group on Arbitration of Technology and Life Sciences Disputes. She is a former member of the LCIA Court and of the ICC UK Arbitration and ADR Committee.

    She speaks regularly to international audiences and writes on the subject. Past prestigious lectures include the keynote lecture at Fordham University School of Law, New York, the annual Clayton Utz lecture in Sydney, Australia, and the Annual Unidroit/University of Roma lecture.

    She is the author of a book on international arbitration in London.

    She has been described recently as having a “stellar reputation” and being an “amazing arbitrator”.

    The range of claims in which she sits as arbitrator is wide and includes:

    • share purchase and subscription agreements
    • joint ventures;
    • power, water and energy issues including pricing issues and oil exploration;
    • distributorship agreements;
    • telecommunications issues;
    • pharmaceutical issues;
    • banking issues;
    • solar;
    • hotel management;
    • guarantees;
    • securities issues;
    • international sale of goods cases;
    • cargo issues;
    • geophysical services; and
    • a host of various other contractual issues.

    Notable cases relating to arbitration  where she has appeared as counsel include: Dallah Real Estate Tourism Holding Co v Government of Pakistan [2010] UKSC 46; La Societe pour la Recherche, la Production, le Transport, la Transformation et la Commercialisation des Hydrocarbures SpA (Sonatrach) v Statoil Natural Gas LLC (Statoil) [2014] EWHC 875 (Comm), SulAmerica Cia Nacional de Seguros & 5 others v (1) Enesa Engenharia S.A - Enesa (2) Energia Sustentavel do Brasil - ESBR (3) Construcoes e Comerica Camargo Correa [2012] EWHC 42 (Comm).

  • Commercial M

    Before focusing more on international arbitration as arbitrator and counsel in arbitrations and arbitral related court work, Hilary Heilbron established an excellent reputation as counsel principally in commercial litigation and the English courts including the Supreme Court, House of Lords and Privy Council.

    She has acquired very considerable knowledge of international conflicts, jurisdictional and similar issues, about which she has spoken and written on many occasions and experience of a vast range of industry and financial sectors. She has acted for international conglomerates, utility companies, key financial regulators, FTSE 100 companies, governments as well as many foreign and national public and private companies. She has appeared as counsel in professional disciplinary hearings and appeals. She also has the relatively rare experience of having been a Department of Trade and Industry Inspector in a DTI inquiry into a major public company. She has advised and represented international celebrities and other well-known people in defamation cases.

    Her skill as an advocate remains and she has been described recently as being recognised for her “excellent counsel work in international arbitration”.

  • Publications M
    • Rose QC, the Remarkable Story of Rose Heilbron, Trailblazer and Legal Icon Hart Publishing. Re-issued in paperback November 2019.
    • "Dynamics, Discretion and Diversity: a recipe for unpredictability in international arbitration” Arbitration International Vol. 32 Number 2 2016
    • Co-General Editor “SIAC Rules an Annotation” Lexis Nexis 2014
    • “A Practical Guide to International Arbitration in London”
    • A chapter on “Assessing Damages in International Arbitration” in the second edition of “The Leading Arbitrators' Guide to International Arbitration”

    Recent articles include:

    Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution International Arbitration Review June 2015 “The English Court’s Approach to review of Awards by way of Challenge and Enforcement.”

    “Interim Measures in International Commercial Arbitration – Useful Weapon or Tactical Missile”: ICCC Congress Series No 18;

    “Is International Arbitration becoming too Confrontational and Counter-intuitive? And some Guidelines as to how not to irritate a Tribunal!”: Liber Amicorum for the 100th Anniversary of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (2015)

  • Qualifications and Further Information M

    Hilary Heilbron KC is also a CEDR trained mediator.


    MA (Oxon)

    Current positions held

    • Member of the ICCA/IBA Joint Task Force on Data Protection in International Arbitration Proceedings
    • Member of the ICCA-ASIL Task Force on Damages.
    • Member of the ICC UK Arbitration and ADR Committee.
    • Member of the AAA-ICDR European Advisory Committee and the ICDR Working Group on Arbitration of Technology and Life Sciences Disputes.
    • She is on the panel of arbitrators at HKIAC, SIAC, KLRCA, CIETAC, Beijing Arbitration Commission "BAC", the Court of Arbitration to the Polish Chamber of Commerce, and is a registered ICDR arbitrator.
    • Member of the IBA, and LCIA.
    • Former member of the LCIA Court.
    • She is a regular speaker at both arbitration and international litigation conferences and has contributed articles to various journals on both subjects.
    • Admitted as a Legal Practitioner in New South Wales, Australia. Member of the New South Wales Bar Association.
    • Member of the Council of ACICA, Sydney, Australia.
    • Bencher of Gray's Inn.


    Previous positions held

    • Deputy High Court Judge
    • Senior Vice Chair of the IBA Rule of Law Forum
    • Vice Chair of the International Litigation Committee of the ABA section of International Law
    • Chairman City Disputes Panel (2006-07)
    • Vice Chairman IBA International Litigation Committee (2003-04)
    • Member of the CEDR Advisory Panel (1996 - 2002)
    • Member of the Civil Justice Council (1998 - 2002)
    • Member of the Bar Council (1991-99)
    • Former Chair of the International Practice Committee of the Bar Council
    • Vice-Chairman of the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission (1998-2002)
    • Chairman of the London Common Law and Commercial Bar Association (1991-93)
    • Chairman of the independent working party into Civil Justice set up jointly by General Council of the Bar and the Law Society (1993)
    • Department of Trade and Industry Inspector into Blue Arrow plc (1989-91)
  • Directory Quotes M

    Hilary Heilbron KC has glowing recommendations in many of the most respected directories as set out below both as arbitrator and also as advocate both in arbitration and litigation.

    • "Hilary is very diligent and makes thoughtful and valuable contributions."  (Legal 500 2025)
    • "Hilary is very careful, bright and turns documents around quickly." (Chambers & Partners 2024)
    • "She is very experienced, no-nonsense and drives cases forward extremely efficiently." (Chambers & Partners 2024)
    • "She is a first-rate arbitrator with vast experience of international arbitration. She is a superb lawyer and a very experienced arbitrator who keeps cases moving with diligence, skill and good humour. She is a hard-working and responsive arbitrator with exceptional legal skills and the sharpest of minds." (Legal 500 2024)
    • "Authoritative and efficient and makes an excellent chair." (Legal 500 2023)
    • "She is highly rated, very impressive and hugely independent-minded." "She is very well prepared and highly responsive. She is a top choice for difficult commercial arbitrations." (Chambers & Partners 2022) 
    • "Hilary has a wealth of experience of arbitration and combines diligence, resourcefulness and a collegiate manner with the strength and skills to control the parties closely." (Legal 500 2022)
    • "She is remarkable, very hands-on, deals with things as they come and performs beautifully at a hearing."  (Chambers & Partners 2021) 
    • "Widely considered to be a heavyweight in international arbitration." (Chambers & Partners 2021) 
    • "Her rulings were well-written and thoroughly considered, and counsel were treated with utmost courtesy and professionalism." (Legal 500 2021)
    • Hilary Heilbron KC is “in the first rank” of arbitration specialists, laud peers who rate her breadth of sector-knowledge. (Who's Who Legal - UK Bar: Arbitration 2020)
    • "Widely considered to be a heavyweight in international arbitration who has expertise in cases concerning the energy, banking, telecommunications and pharmaceutical industries. She has been appointed under the rules of ICC, the LCIA, the LMAA and SIAC, and has considerable experience of acting as an ad hoc and emergency arbitrator. She also accepts appointments as sole arbitrator, party-appointed arbitrator and chair of the tribunal." "She is very hard-working and meticulous and creates a productive and collegial atmosphere. She is a commanding presence." (Chambers & Partners 2020)
    • "Handles matters with diligence and aplomb – she belongs in the A* list of arbitrators." (The Legal 500 2020)
    • Hilary Heilbron KC has a stellar reputation and is lauded for her fantastic ability on international transport, energy and joint venture disputes. (Who's Who Legal - UK Bar: Arbitration 2019)
    • "Easy to work with and diligent. She works hard on the case and has an affable manner." (Chambers & Partners 2019)
    • "Smart, hardworking, and decisive but collegial." (The Legal 500 2018-19)
    • "Popular both as arbitrator and counsel." (The Legal 500 2018-19)
    • Hilary Heilbron KC wins praise as “an amazing arbitrator” who is “very effective as chair” and is “always on top of things”. She is also recognised for her excellent counsel work in international proceedings. (Who's Who Legal - UK Bar: Arbitration 2018)
    • Widely considered to be a heavyweight in international arbitration who has expertise in cases concerning the energy, banking, telecommunications and pharmaceutical industries. She has been appointed under the rules of the ICC, AAA, ICDR and LCIA and has considerable experience of acting as an ad hoc and emergency arbitrator. She also accepts appointments as sole arbitrator, party-appointed arbitrator and chair of the tribunal."She has a great reputation as an arbitrator and she deserves it. She is smart, hard-working, decisive and collegial." (Chambers & Partners 2018)
    • "Diligent, focused and experienced in major matters." (The Legal 500 2017)
    • "A ubiquitous arbitration specialist." (The Legal 500 2017)
    • "Hilary Heilbron KC draws widespread admiration thanks to her “tireless work ethic” and “incredible eye for detail”. An accomplished counsel and arbitrator, Heilbron regularly appears in banking, telecoms, pharmaceutical and energy disputes." (Who's Who Legal - UK Bar: Arbitration 2017)
    • Hilary Heilbron KC is said to be “doing great things for the profession”. (Who's Who Legal - Arbitration 2017)
    • "An intelligent arbitrator and a steady hand on the tiller." Ranked Band 1 as Arbitrator. (Chambers & Partners UK 2017)
    • "Highly experienced both as counsel and as an arbitrator." (The Legal 500 2016)
    • "Has brilliant strategic awareness" (Who's Who Legal Arbitration 2016)
    • “Hilary Heilbron KC at Brick Court Chambers is an 'absolutely fantastic arbitrator' whose experience includes ICC, LCIA and ICDR and ad hoc appointments. (Who's Who Legal Arbitration 2016)
    • “Hilary Heilbron KC is 'undoubtedly one of the best' barristers according to her peers. She acts for both domestic and international clients in substantial disputes.” (Who's Who Legal Litigation 2015)
    • "She remains analytically on top of legal issues. An expert in the procedure and in getting it organised" Ranked Band 1 as Arbitrator. (Chambers & Partners UK 2016)
    • "She is indefatigable, and despite a busy schedule is always ready for calls, meetings and deadlines." (The Legal 500 2015)
    • "Hilary’s great skill at cutting to the essentials of a case keeps her in great demand." (Chambers & Partners 2015) 
    •  "A great advocate with good business judgement." (The Legal 500 2014)
    • "A very active arbitrator who is a class act." (The Legal 500 2014)
    • "Hilary Heilbron KC of Brick Court Chambers impresses interviewees with her prowess as arbitrator on substantial commercial disputes, alongside her respected work as arbitration counsel." (Chambers & Partners Global, & Europe, 2014)
    • “Hilary Heilbron KC's ‘intelligence’ and ‘responsiveness’ mark her out as ‘one of the best KCs out there’.” (The Legal 500 2013)
    • “Hilary Heilbron KC of Brick Court Chambers has acted as counsel and arbitrator in a number of high-profile, political arbitrations. Including, most recently, in relation to English enforcement of an ICC award rendered in Paris. Her wide-ranging expertise is universally acknowledged, and she typically acts under ICC, LCIA and ICDR rules, as well as ad hoc appointments.” (Chambers & Partners Global, 2013, ranked in Band 1, Arbitration (International): Most In Demand Arbitrators: Europe-wide)
    • “Brick Court Chambers has a significant depth of arbitration expertise, exemplified by the presence within it of leading arbitrators such as the highly recommended Hilary Heilbron KC. She is experienced as both counsel and arbitrator, and has handled a wide range of disputes.” (Chambers & Partners UK 2013, ranked in Band 1, International Arbitration: Arbitrators)
    • Appears in The International Who's Who of Commercial Arbitration 2013
    • Cited by the Legal 500 2012 as a leading practitioner in International Arbitration
    • “Hilary Heilbron KC of Brick Court Chambers has extensive experience of acting as both counsel and arbitrator. A recent highlight was appearing as counsel in the UK's Supreme Court relating to the enforcement of a New York ICC award rendered in Paris.” Ranked in Band 1, Arbitration (International): Most In Demand Arbitrators: Europe-wide (Chambers & Partners Global, 2012)
    • “has ‘the most wonderful ability to command respect with the mere raising of one eyebrow’.” (The Legal 500 2011)
    • “a long-standing name in international disputes and is respected by sources for her fast turnaround of cases and thorough focus.” Ranked in Band 1 Arbitration (International) Most In Demand Arbitrators (Chambers & Partners Global, 2011)
    • “‘her rigorous preparation and aptitude in immediately grasping the facts’ leave the market particularly impressed” (Chambers & Partners, 2010)
  • Privacy Notice M

    A privacy notice for Hilary Heilbron KC referable to sitting as an Arbitrator can be found here.