Brick Court Chambers

News & Events

‘One of the super-sets’, Brick Court Chambers is ‘an all-round strong’ set with ‘a large selection of high-quality competition law specialists’, ‘top commercial counsel’, ‘an excellent chambers for banking litigation’, and a ‘go-to’ set for public administrative law.
The Legal 500 2020
The clerks’ room ‘sets the benchmark’ for other sets with its ‘friendly, knowledgeable, and hardworking’ clerks.
The Legal 500 2020
"An outstanding commercial set with a track record of excellence across its core areas of work."
Chambers & Partners 2018
"A set that is singled out for its "first-rate" clerking and "client service-oriented, commercial approach."



Resident Judge in the Sovereign Base Area in Cyprus rejects torture claim against the Ministry of Defence


Privy Council rules that statutory avoidance remedies may be granted by foreign courts


Contractual limitation defence succeeds but Claimant recovers maximum damages available for breach of warranty under SPA


Seven members of Brick Court appointed to EHRC panel of counsel


Supreme Court holds that Investigatory Powers Tribunal is subject to judicial review


Judgment for the CATS parties in North Sea gas pipeline dispute in Commercial Court


High Court judgment in colour picture tubes cartel damages case


President of the Family Division releases draft guidance on transparency in Family Proceedings following successful appeal


Competition Appeal Tribunal strikes out additional claim brought by Part 20 Defendant against Claimants in trucks cartel proceedings


Contribution Act applies to all proceedings in English courts


Court of Appeal overturns CAT judgment in Merricks v Mastercard collective proceedings


Parent company can have a duty of care to victims of foreign subsidiary’s actions


Could ministerial advice to the Queen to prorogue Parliament or to refuse assent to a Parliamentary Bill be challenged in the courts?


Supreme Court decides to refer whether software constitutes “goods” to the Court of Justice of the European Union


English Court has jurisdiction in Russian joint venture clash

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