Brick Court Chambers

Firdaus Mohandas

Firdaus Mohandas


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Firdaus practises in commercial, competition and public law. He joined Chambers as a tenant in September 2024 following the successful completion of his pupillage under the supervision of Craig Morrison KC, Tim Johnston, and Daniel Piccinin KC. 

During pupillage, Firdaus worked on a range of matters across Chambers’ areas of specialism, including several high value civil fraud claims and competition law proceedings in the pharmaceutical, financial and technology sectors. Apart from these, he was involved in cases concerning areas of law such as sports, taxation, and intellectual property.   

Prior to coming to the Bar, Firdaus read law at St. John’s College, Oxford, where he secured the second highest mark in the university, as well as the highest in the private law modules. He then undertook the BCL, followed by the Bar Course at the Inns of Court College of Advocacy, being awarded further scholarships and prizes along the way.

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    Firdaus accepts instructions across all areas of commercial litigation. His recent experience includes:

    • Instructed by the Defendants in ongoing civil fraud proceedings concerning the management of a Russian metals company (led by Tim Lord KC)
    • RAKIA v Azima, Dechert & Others – claim alleging state-sponsored hacking and the procurement of High Court and Court Appeal judgment by means of fraud by the Defendants (as a pupil, assisting Craig Morrison KC, acting for Dechert LLP)   
    • Savannah SA v SAR – proceedings brought by a Swiss business against a Senegalese oil and gas company alleging repudiation of a contract for the sale of petrol and diesel (as a pupil, assisting Craig Morrison KC, acting for Société Africaine de Raffinage)
    • IBM v LzLabs GmbH & Others – contractual claim alleging an unlawful scheme by the Defendants to reverse-engineer IBM’s mainframe software (as a pupil, assisting Craig Morrison KC, acting for IBM UK Ltd)
    • Thurrock Council v Liam Kavanagh and Rockfire Capital – claim against a businessman and his company in respect of investment funds fraudulently misappropriated from a government council (as a pupil, assisting Craig Morrison KC, acting for Thurrock Borough Council)
    • Visa v Luxottica Retail – proceedings brought in respect of an alleged breach of a settlement agreement by the Defendant (as a pupil, assisting Daniel Piccinin KC, acting for Visa Inc)
    • ESS and Tiger v Capita – intellectual property dispute concerning the continuing validity of a licence granted over the SIMS educational software (as a pupil, assisting Craig Morrison KC, acting for ESS and Tiger UK Bidco Limited)
    • Assensus v Wirsol – claim brought against a solar power developer for allegedly unpaid contractual bonuses (as a pupil, assisting Craig Morrison KC, acting for Wirsol Energy Limited)
    • Advising a hospitality company on the scope of its liability to indemnify the former owners of certain public houses for operating losses (as a pupil, assisting Craig Morrison KC)

    Firdaus accepts instructions across all areas of competition law. His recent experience includes:

    • Ennis v Apple – collective competition law proceedings alleging that the Defendant’s App Store commissions amount to unfair pricing (as a pupil, assisting Daniel Piccinin KC, acting for Apple Inc)
    • CICC II v Visa & Others – collective proceedings brought by merchants alleging that the interchange fees set by the Defendant card companies amount to anti-competitive agreements (as a pupil, assisting Daniel Piccinin KC, acting for Visa Inc)
    • Secretary of State for Health & Others v Servier – claim alleging anti-competitive conduct (including patent settlement agreements) by the Defendant pharmaceutical group with respect to the Perindopril drug (as a pupil, assisting Daniel Piccinin KC, acting for the Servier Group)
    • Asda & Others v Bremnes Seashore & Others – claim brought by UK-based supermarkets alleging a price fixing cartel in respect of Atlantic salmon organised by the Defendants (as a pupil, assisting Tim Johnston, acting for Cermaq Group AS)
    • Secretary of State for Health & Others v Lundbeck & Others – follow-on damages proceedings brought against pharmaceutical companies in respect of certain anti-competitive agreements (as a pupil, assisting Tim Johnston, acting for Lundbeck Limited)
    • Assisting in acting for a global sports regulatory body in arbitration proceedings brought by a prospective participant in one of its competitions (as a pupil, assisting Tim Johnston)

    Firdaus accepts instructions across all areas of public law. His recent experience includes:

    • Instructed by an NGO to advise on the prospects of judicial review against the Civil Aviation Authority in respect of its approval of certain aerospace proposals
    • R (on application of RR Manufacturing) v BSI – Court of Appeal decision on whether to grant the Applicant an interim injunction preventing the British Standards Institution from suspending its certificate to market its defibrillator device (as a pupil, assisting Tim Johnston, acting for BSI)
    • Assisting in acting for various government bodies in judicial review challenges brought against them, including the Service Complains Ombudsman for the Armed Forces and the Parole Board (as a pupil, assisting Tim Johnston)
    • Advising a major investment bank on the relationship between its contractual repayment obligations and the UK’s sanctions against Russia (as a pupil, assisting Craig Morrison KC)
    • Trustees of the Panayi Accumulation and Maintenance Trusts Nos 1-4 v HMRC – proceedings in the Upper Tribunal (Tax) concerning the implications of EU law fundamental freedoms for the UK’s statutory exit charge regime (as a pupil, assisting Tim Johnston, acting for the Panayi Trustees)
    • Advising a government body on the compatibility of proposed financing arrangements with the UK and EU’s subsidy control regimes (as a pupil, assisting Tim Johnston)


    2018-2021: BA Jurisprudence (First-Class), St. John’s College, University of Oxford

    2021-2022: BCL (Distinction), St. John’s College, University of Oxford

    2022-2023: Bar Course, Inns of Court College of Advocacy

    Academic Scholarships and Prizes

    Wronker Proxime Prize for Second Best Performance in Academic Cohort (Oxford University)

    Gibbs Prize for Best Performance in Private Law Modules (Oxford University)

    Slaughter and May Prize for Best Performance in Contract Law (Oxford University)

    Casberd Scholarship for Performance in Law Moderations (St. John’s College)

    Daniel Slifkin Scholarship to read for the BCL (St. John’s College)

    Lord Mansfield Scholarship for Bar Course Studies (Lincoln’s Inn) 

    Bronze Medal for Performance in Civil Litigation Exam (Inns of Court College of Advocacy)