Brick Court Chambers

News & Events

‘One of the super-sets’, Brick Court Chambers is ‘an all-round strong’ set with ‘a large selection of high-quality competition law specialists’, ‘top commercial counsel’, ‘an excellent chambers for banking litigation’, and a ‘go-to’ set for public administrative law.
The Legal 500 2020
The clerks’ room ‘sets the benchmark’ for other sets with its ‘friendly, knowledgeable, and hardworking’ clerks.
The Legal 500 2020
"An outstanding commercial set with a track record of excellence across its core areas of work."
Chambers & Partners 2018
"A set that is singled out for its "first-rate" clerking and "client service-oriented, commercial approach."



Administrative Court rejects challenge to CMA’s decision not to stay excessive pricing investigation


Gubeladze v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions


High Court judgment in colour picture tubes cartel damages case


Competition Appeal Tribunal strikes out additional claim brought by Part 20 Defendant against Claimants in trucks cartel proceedings


Court of Appeal overturns CAT judgment in Merricks v Mastercard collective proceedings


Could ministerial advice to the Queen to prorogue Parliament or to refuse assent to a Parliamentary Bill be challenged in the courts?


EU law does not compel UK to participate in European Parliament elections


High Court declines to determine compatibility with EU law of pre-accession marketing authorisation, refuses reference to the Court of Justice


High Court rules that the EMA’s lease in Canary Wharf is not frustrated by Brexit


CAT rules on first merger penalty appeal


Judgment confirming that High Court has no jurisdiction to hear damages claims against BA due to temporal application of Article 101 to flights outside the EU (Court of Appeal)


Court of Appeal upholds rejection of forum challenge in follow-up to Unwired Planet


Conclusion of generic companies’ challenge to originator’s regulatory data protection in multiple sclerosis medicine cases


33 members of Brick Court appear in 12 of The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases of 2019


High Court upholds direction and provisional order made by Ofgem in implementation of CMA remedy in energy markets

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